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The official website of the State of Mississippi

Little or No Cost Actions

  • Increase the visible security personnel presence wherever possible.
  • Rearrange exterior vehicle barriers (traffic cones) to alter traffic patterns near facilities.
  • Institute/increase vehicle, foot and roving security patrols.
  • Implement random security guard shift changes.
  • Arrange for law enforcement vehicles to be parked randomly near entrances and exits.
  • Approach all illegally parked vehicles in and around facilities, question drivers and direct them to move immediately, if owner can not be identified, have vehicle towed by law enforcement.
  • Limit the number of access points and strictly enforce access control procedures.
  • Alter primary entrances and exits if possible.
  • Implement stringent identification procedures to include conducting 100% "hands on" checks of security badges for all personnel, if badges are required.
  • Remind personnel to properly display badges, if applicable, and enforce visibility.
  • Require two forms of photo identification for all visitors.
  • Escort all visitors entering and departing.
  • X-ray packages and inspect handbags and briefcases at entry if possible.
  • Validate vendor lists for all routine deliveries and repair services.

Actions that May Bear Some Cost

  • Increase perimeter lighting.
  • Remove vegetation in and around perimeters, maintain regularly.
  • Institute a vehicle inspection program to include checking under the undercarriage of vehicles, under the hood, and in the trunk. Provide vehicle inspection training to security personnel.
  • Conduct vulnerability studies focusing on physical security, structural engineering, infrastructure engineering, power, water, and air infiltration, if feasible.
  • Initiate a system to enhance mail and package screening procedures (both announced and unannounced).
  • Install special locking devices on manhole covers in and around facilities.